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A Note From Hoz (Jim)

Hey Van, you have spoken many of my feeling. From the dust of The Plagues, to a talented container for many types of music, the versatile Plain Brown Wrapper kept folks on their toes. I was always a sucker for tight harmony, and these guys always used it well. Whether it was a cover tune or an original song, vocal harmony was aimed at and provided.

It was a privilege to perform with the early Wrapper, and then later to work for the band, as the personnel changed over time. I loved watching each performance, hearing and balancing (mixing) the 3 & 4-part harmonies, as that off-stage member. It was also great fun being allowed to drive our converted school bus/dressing room, most of the time.

I am happy that you could find a good way to utilize all of those old reel-to-reel tapes that I made during our performances, and the photos that I have collected over the years. I think that you have done a marvelous job of building this Plain Brown Wrapper website. I hope that many folks will join us here on the website, sharing their P.B.W. stories and maybe their memorabilia (photos), but mainly that they will enjoy the energy and the joy that the Wrapper felt and shared during those "heady" times. Peace "Hoz" (James Hosley)


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